How it works:

You inform your contacts with your individual link about the Symphony of Truth, for example by e-mail, via Facebook, via your website, Instagram etc.
and if one of your contacts decides to purchase the conference bundle, you will automatically receive a fair commission of 50% (after deducting Irish VAT at 23%).

The technology behind it:

If one of your contacts clicks on your individual link and later (within 6 months) to purchase the conference bundle, the billing system will recognize this automatically and still credit you with your commission. After having clicked on your partner link, a recognition cookie is automatically saved in the customer’s browser. When he or she buys the conference bundle, the billing system uses this cookie to recognize that the customer was „coming from you“. The last cookie set determines who is saved for the commission which makes it interesting to promote the conference more than once.

When should I start promoting the conference?

Of course you can start at any time. It is best to inform your contacts, audience, community, family and friends about 2 weeks (approx. end of August) before the conference begins and again right at the start on the 9th of September.
It also makes sense to spread your partner link during the conference to invite people who maybe didn’t get the link earlier to get access to the free interviews.

Spreading your affiliate link on Facebook:

You can also use your affiliate link to promote the conference on Facebook or Instagram.

However, you should remove the automatic thumbnail that appears when you enter your affiliate link on Facebook. Otherwise, this preview image – if people click on the image and not on the direct link – links directly to the congress page and the billing system will not recognize that this contact comes from you!
You can also shorten your promotional link with a URL shortener like (This only takes 5 seconds).


Post your (shortened) partner link with a short introductory text (see the prepared text below if you don’t find the time to write a personal text) on Facebook.

Delete the thumbnail.

Insert a graphic from your promotion folder (see link to the folder below) as a custom image.